Professional Skills
OS: *nix, MacOS
Cloud Service Providers: AWS
Software Packages: IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code
Languages: Java, SQL, NodeJS, Javascript, HTML
Current Role
Principal Engineer
Atlassian Inc., Sydney, Australia
Employment: January 2019 - current
TODO: Description to follow...

Previous Career History
Senior Software Engineer
Atlassian Inc., Sydney, Australia
Employment: May 2015 - January 2019
Senior Software Engineer
Groupon Inc., Palo Alto, California
Employment: some date - some date
TODO: Description to follow...
Software Engineer
Groupon Inc., Palo Alto, California
Employment: some date - some date
TODO: Description to follow...
Groupon Inc.
3101 Park Blvd
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Senior Internet Application Developer
MITRE Corp., Bedford, Massachusetts
Employment: September 2012 - January 25th 2013
MITRE Corporation is a public interest company housing five FFRDCs, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers. These FFRDCs are managed for the following sponsors: the Department of Defense (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the newest of the five the U.S. Department of Homeland and Security (DHS). MITRE works in partnership with the government applying systems engineering and advanced technology to address issues of critical national importance. MITRE values its people as it's number one asset and puts an emphasis on shared responsibility for growth, partnership with the government, collaboration within and without, and the ability to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
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Software Systems Engineer
Employment: August 2010 - September 2012
TODO: Description of role specifically...
Technical Summer + Extended Part-time On-Call
Employment: March 9th - July 2010
Over the course of six months with MITRE I worked on a number of different projects. The two main projects that I was assigned dealt with collaboration within a work environment both traditional collaboration and also impromptu collaboration. The team of eight interns that I was working closely with during this time were also assigned to the impromptu collaboration piece and all of us came up with a group response to the problem we were faced with. During the last two months of my time at MITRE three of the initial team of eight broke off to pursue a technical approach that eventually lead to a web application that we delivered in October. Directly following I was extended an offer to stay on board and continue to polish the delivered products from that summer's intern Grand Challenge.\n\n

Some of the major job responsibilities that I had while working for Frontier Exploration Services within the IT organization at MITRE include: software development, technology assessment and research, ideation, and providing innovative approaches and solutions for modern business problems. The major software development projects that I was involved in mostly consisted of PHP, HTML, and JavaScript. Some of the smaller more research based projects consisted of Java and Java Servlet Technology.
202 Burlington Rd.
Bedford, MA 01730

Co-op Software Developer
Bytronics Inc., Fairport, New York
Employment: March 3rd - August 29th 2008
Since their founding in 1988, Bytronics has been offering one of the largest online field force dispatch and tracking system in the utility industry, known as DigTrack. Their expertise lies in their ability to utilize state of the art technologies and tools coupled with a "can do" attitude. One of the major advantages of DigTrack over other utility tracking systems available today is that Bytronics will listen to their customer's ideas and requirements and provide systems that seamlessly integrate into their operating environment. All systems that they develop or customize seek to maximize automation, quality, and return on investment.
During my co-op experience here I directly communicated with utility companies to increase their productivity while using the DigTrack web interface. This included the creation of new custom automation modules and new, custom features for these utility companies. I worked alongside a team of 5 software developers to enhance and implement new features to a web interfaced utility ticket management application which is used nationwide. These experiences helped to introduce me to the use of the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment and the implementation of Java Database Connectivity drivers (JDBC). After I got comfortable with the environment and currently implemented modules I was allocated a couple of individual projects for two of the largest clients using the DigTrack system. Having these individual projects helped me to practice requirements gathering straight from the client. Another important skill that these projects challenged were my product demonstration skills. Since these modules were solely developed by me, I was also in charge of showing the features of these modules to our clients and eventually implement them into their current account.
Bytronics Inc.
70 Linden Oaks
Rochester, NY 14625