Stainless Steel Picobrew C/S/Pro Filter Plug
Replacement Picobrew C/S/Pro compatible Filter Plug machined out of 316 Stainless Steel.

This filter plug is a community design that started as a 3d printed solution to the common issue of the "filter fins" breaking over time. For a stainless steel machined product we focused on rigidity as well as passthrough performance. The end product will prove to last decades longer than the machine you use it with due to being made out of 316 Stainless Steel (a food grade stainless steel product).
Below are some pictures I've taken to show the fit and apparence of this filter within the Step Filter of the Picobrew Pico C/S/Pro units for you. To ease the installation each unit sold will also include an OEM filter spring as well as a replacement OEM o-ring (until stock on hand of these parts is exhausted). Both of these items are easily lost when ejecting the filter drain plug so be careful, but if you do loose them the included extras will prove to be useful. Unfortunately, I couldn't secure as many as these as there was interest in the group. To make sure everyone gets a chance I will only be sending a replacement spring per order (until stock on hand is exhausted) as they don't break or fail over time, but could only be lost if not being careful enough in ejecting the filter itself.
Update 6/17/2023 - No longer are replacement OEM springs included with the purchase of a SS Drain Filter Plug. I do, however, have a dozen or so available if you happen to lose or otherwise need one.
Meanwhile, I will be attempting to secure a purchase order with the o-ring supplier, Parker, and see if I can get an exact replacement of this specific o-ring for the community and can easily send that through normal postage free of charge to those in need at a later time.

[Update: 4/29/2023]
Due to the massive amount of community interest in this part I unfortunately need to remove the guarantee around providing an o-ring and spring for each filter ordered and instead offer them on a first order basis. I want each member to receive at least 1 o-ring and 1 spring, but I can't promise that will happen. However, what I will do in the meantime is setup some contacts with o-ring suppliers and see if I can secure a bulk order (hundreds if not thousands) of o-rings for these and fulfillment via standard USPS postage to anyone that needs one in the future.

[Update: 4/10/2023]
After a bit of a snafu at US Customs (packaging label got wet and declaration form couldn't be read clearly) we have resolved this and I have received the entire order at my address here in Massachusetts where final packaging and fulfillment will be taking place in the next 2-3 weeks.

History and Timeline
[Update: 2/17/2023]
After the surge of community interest in these drain filters. I've worked out a deal with our UK based fabrication facility to machine 400 of these filters.
[Update: 1/17/2023]
Currently, I'm out of stock of this filter plug. Getting some early feedback from those that did successfully get in on the first run of this community funded and created replacement part. Working with my manufacturing partners in the UK on the availability and pricing of a future run. In the meantime feel free to preorder with the link below through PayPal. I will communicate frequently and openly on the process with those interested as I get more firm details from my manufacturing partners.
Initial batch of units were at a bit of a higher price due to the limited amount ordered. Future runs will likely have a higher quantity allowing for individual part prices to drop slightly, any and all difference in costs of material produced to me will be reflected back to pre-order holders via a credit/refund through PayPal (or offered as a group donation to No Kid Hungry).

[Cart-Enabled] Stainless Steel Filter Drain Plug
Material: 316 Stainless Steel
The stainless drain plug and assembly is super simple to swap in and replace the original plastic fin design filter included with Picobrew Pico C/S/Pro machines. Original designed filters have been notorious for breaking and requiring replacements. Instead of relying on a filter component that will eventually break and need replacing (when there isn't a viable long term supplier of that component) instead source a food safe high temperature tolerant 316 Stainless replacement.
This filter plug will outlive any Pico device you decide to put it inside of due to its durable stainless steel construction. May broken filter plugs be a thing of the past with this guy.
[Update 02/22/23]
For those that are encountering a PayPal "That Page Doesn't Exist" error with the above Add to Cart button give the button below a try. The Cart experience from PayPal is deprecated and may be having issues, the Buy Now button below may work better, only if you are only interested in the SS Pico C/S/Pro Filter item as described on this page. If you want to buy more than one type of item and are still having issues with the above provided cart experience feel free to reach out over Facebook or directly via email and I will work with you on a custom order through a payment provider of your choosing (Venmo, PayPal, Google Pay, Facebook, etc).

[Buy Now] Stainless Steel Filter Drain Plug
Material: 316 Stainless Steel
The stainless drain plug and assembly is super simple to swap in and replace the original plastic fin design filter included with Picobrew Pico C/S/Pro machines. Original designed filters have been notorious for breaking and requiring replacements. Instead of relying on a filter component that will eventually break and need replacing (when there isn't a viable long term supplier of that component) instead source a food safe high temperature tolerant 316 Stainless replacement.
This filter plug will outlive any Pico device you decide to put it inside of due to its durable stainless steel construction. May broken filter plugs be a thing of the past with this guy.
Customer Testimonials
The stainless drain plug and assembly worked flawlessly. I observed the plug's maiden brew like a hawk and found that the liquid level remained below the bottom of my pico-free grain bin through the duration of mashing and brewing in general suggesting that the draining action was unimpeded by this design and that the plug can be relied upon to perform as well as the original part. Pretty nice little piece of kit-- the stainless looks smart and will never break like the plastic ones did, kind of makes you wonder why they weren't stainless in the first place. Great work on this, thrilled to have this part ensuring my step filter's future!
If I had to come up with concerns or considerations, I might just identify the size o-ring that will eventually need to be replaced as that seems like the only part which might need servicing.
– Michael Jennings-Offen (Picobrewers Facebook Group Member)
These replacement valves are to the original as a saltine cracker is to a hockey puck. There is not comparison. The original was flimsy and not built to last. The new stainless steel valve is about as high a quality as you could hope for. It is sure to outlast the machine and could make a nice key chain or pendant when the machine dies one day.
– Jonathan Gregory (Creator of the Picofree and developer of consumer products for over 20 years)